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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

L16 The Internet and Education


         The Net, is the largest and far-firing network system-of-all-system. Internet works through a standardized protocol (or set of rules for exchanging data) called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). In order to gain access to the internet, the computer must be equipped with a Server which has a special software (program) that uses the Internet protocol. The Internet connects not only commercial, industrial, scientific establishments but also all other sectors including education and its libraries, campuses and computer centres. Individuals using the net on their own personal used must pay monthly fees to their service provider to gain access with the internet. On the other hand, the great attraction of the internet is that once the sign up fees are paid, there are no extra charges or browse it anytime you can avail free access it can be inside the mall, school premises or in an area where the service is available.  

Using the Net

          The widely use of information in the Internet, is an overwhelming challenge. Since everyday, net user-population and the available information continue to grow and are continuously being developed. Browsing is the most attractive way to move around the Internet using a program called a browser. With this, the user can use a mouse to point and click on screen icons to surf the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web (the web), an Internet' s subset of text, images and sounds are linked together to allow users to access data or information need. The future of the Internet seems limitless. Many experts predict that the Internet is destined to become the centrepiece of all online communications.

Educational uses of the Internet

        Nowadays, in progressive countries like the United States or even in a country as ours children are corresponding via e-mail, they were able to communicate and interact with others through the net. Educational software materials have also developed both in sophisticated and appeal. There is now a wider choice from rote arithmetic or grammar lesson to discovery and innovation projects. Nevertheless, the real possibility today is connecting with the world outside homes, classrooms, and Internet cafes. And today schools are gearing up to take advantage of Internet access, where they can make virtual visits to a famous place, communicate online with famous personalities.

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